#dedoc° blog

Learn about what really matters to people living with diabetes around the world.

The #dedoc° blog features articles and opinion pieces written by our international network of diabetes advocates: the #dedoc° voices. From scientific conferences to the latest diabetes research and technology, from challenges faced by those living with diabetes to global disparities in healthcare — our #dedoc° voices cover it all.

Diabetes advocates wishing to contribute to the #dedoc° blog are welcome to submit a guest post using the link below. Don’t hesitate to get in touch — we love to hear from you, and so do thousands of others!

All opinions are those of the authors.

Contact: blog@dedoc.org

Navigating hyperglycaemia avoidance and emotional wellbeing in type 1 diabetes
Tony Fox Tony Fox

Navigating hyperglycaemia avoidance and emotional wellbeing in type 1 diabetes

“I’ve always felt incredibly passionate about the mental and emotional aspects of our condition, having been through several — no scratch that — MANY periods of burnout and the associated bouts of depression,” writes Tony Fox, who attended DUKPC this year as a #dedoc° voice.

“This is something I feel we don’t talk about enough (even more in T1D men): mental health in general, and particularly health related aspects of our emotional wellbeing.“

After attending a session on hyperglycaemia avoidance, Tony had a lightbulb moment in relation to his own diabetes management and emotional wellbeing. Find out what Tony learned and how he’s adapted his diabetes management since in this personal and impactful read.

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Diabetes in school: a fundamental human right
Alyssa Faulkner Alyssa Faulkner

Diabetes in school: a fundamental human right

“When a child lives with diabetes, there are many aspects of life that change,” writes #dedoc° voice Alyssa Faulkner, “and that includes ensuring that their caretakers are equipped with the knowledge to adequately manage their diabetes. When you add in schooling, and the child’s right to an education, things start to get a lot more complex.”

“At ISPAD, Peter Goss shared a couple of cases where children have been let down so much by their schools in terms of care for their type 1 diabetes that they lost their lives. Two devastating case studies, two very preventable deaths in two very different parts of the world.”

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A light through the shadows: my personal odyssey with T1D
Sebastián Haro Sebastián Haro

A light through the shadows: my personal odyssey with T1D

“Embarking on my journey with type 1 diabetes (T1D) over 31 years ago, I traversed through a landscape shadowed by secrecy and silence,” writes journalist, diabetes advocate and #dedoc° voice Sebastián Haro, “This voyage has been one of profound transformation, marked by challenges, revelations, and the eventual embrace of technology and community that illuminated my path to empowerment.

“This is not just a story of managing a chronic condition but a deeply personal narrative of finding my voice and place in a world that often misunderstands T1D.”

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The next step in patient involvement in diabetes conferences
Emma Doble Emma Doble

The next step in patient involvement in diabetes conferences

“Including people with lived experience in diabetes conferences is no longer just a ‘nice to have’,” writes patient advocate and #dedoc° voice Emma Doble.

But what is the Patients Included charter? How can a conference become ‘Patients Included’? And why is the inclusion of people with lived experience so important?

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EASD 2023: the women agenda
Alex Haggett Alex Haggett

EASD 2023: the women agenda

“Discussions about menopause are gathering momentum all over the world: women are demanding more support for this stage of life, be it at work or medically,” writes diabetes advocate Alex Haggett, who attended EASD 2023 in Hamburg as a #dedoc° voice.

Alex arrived at the conference ready to ask loads of questions about getting older with diabetes, and particularly the impact of menopause on people with diabetes. But were her questions answered?

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#dedocº voices at ISPAD 2023: Crystal’s vlog
Crystal Ngo Diaz Crystal Ngo Diaz

#dedocº voices at ISPAD 2023: Crystal’s vlog

Diabetes advocate Crystal Diaz had the opportunity to attend ISPAD 2023 in-person as a #dedoc° voice — and made sure to vlog every moment of it!

“It was so amazing to meet and learn from other patient advocates from all around the world who are pioneering such innovative and impactful frameworks and organisations for people living with diabetes,” writes Crystal.

Read — and watch! — her experience here.

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Raising diabetes awareness through art and design
The Diabetic Survivor The Diabetic Survivor

Raising diabetes awareness through art and design

Image-making has the power to create social change and drive transformative conversations within our diabetes community. It can shift the entire narrative and help us move away from fear-based imagery or the pervasive, and often horrific, medical aesthetics.

Art can captivate us, stirring a mix of awe and curiosity within us. Some pieces effortlessly tap into our inner creativity and appreciation for beauty, while others provoke deep contemplation on social issues.

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Navigating airport security with type 1 diabetes: advocating for a smoother experience
Nathalie Piat Nathalie Piat

Navigating airport security with type 1 diabetes: advocating for a smoother experience

Living with type 1 diabetes often involves relying on essential medical devices, such as CGMs and insulin pumps, to manage blood sugar levels. When it comes to air travel, manufacturers of these devices strongly recommend against putting them through airport body scanners, as the radiation can potentially damage them.

This requirement is not just a matter of convenience; it's a matter of health and safety. For people living with diabetes and wearing diabetes tech, the airport security process can be particularly stressful.

My own experience at Hamburg Airport on my way back from EASD 2023 exemplifies the difficulties we often face. What should have been a straightforward process turned into a distressing ordeal.

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Attending EASD as a #dedoc° voice: a look back at last year’s conference
Dawn Adams Dawn Adams

Attending EASD as a #dedoc° voice: a look back at last year’s conference

Dawn Adams attended EASD 2022 in Stockholm, Sweden, as a #dedoc° voice — and she’ll soon be doing it all again and setting off for Hamburg, Germany, to attend EASD 2023. If you’re wondering what it’s like to attend EASD, then Dawn’s article covering last year’s conference will give you an insight into what to expect!

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Diabetes advocacy: a beginner’s guide to scientific conferences
Ana M Alvarez Pagola Ana M Alvarez Pagola

Diabetes advocacy: a beginner’s guide to scientific conferences

Scientific conferences can be overwhelming — even for a seasoned diabetes advocate. #dedoc° voice Ana always wants to fit in as much as possible: attending every session she can, learning all about new developments in diabetes research and technology, networking, as well as catching up with friends old and new. Here she shares some tips and tricks to make scientific conference weeks a little less stressful!

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Attending ATTD 2023 as a diabetes advocate
Heather Koga Heather Koga

Attending ATTD 2023 as a diabetes advocate

Diabetes advocate and #dedoc° voice Heather Koga attended ATTD 2023. Innovation in diabetes medicines and treatments, cutting-edge technologies, and research into the treatments of diabetes were among her highlights.

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#dedoc° voices at ISPAD 2022: Caro’s experience
Caroline Pudmensky Caroline Pudmensky

#dedoc° voices at ISPAD 2022: Caro’s experience

Diabetes advocate Caro attended ISPAD 2022 scientific conference as a #dedoc° voice. DIY hybrid closed loop systems, digitalisation in diabetes education and healthcare management, and mental health were among her highlights.

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ISPAD 2022: what we know about type 1 diabetes may be upside down
Leon Tribe Leon Tribe

ISPAD 2022: what we know about type 1 diabetes may be upside down

Diabetes advocate Leon Tribe attended ISPAD 2022 as a #dedoc° voice. A talk challenging our current understanding of the causes of type 1 diabetes — and how this may inform the future of diabetes management in the future — sparked Leon’s curiosity. Are environmental factors as important as we think? Can current cancer treatments inform the future of diabetes management?

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