What we wish you
knew & and why
#dedoc° symposium
Our #dedoc° symposia are part of the official program of diabetes conferences, following the title “What we wish you knew — and why”. As part of our #dedoc° voices scholarship program, they place people with diabetes at the center, allowing them to talk to the audiences of diabetes conferences, such as healthcare professionals, researchers and industry representatives, on topics relevant to the diabetes community.
#dedoc° symposia take place on-site at diabetes conferences across the globe. Additionally, they are streamed live to this website, YouTube and Facebook — outside of the usual paywall of scientific conferences. This exemption allows us to invite the diabetes online community around the globe to watch and engage in real time.
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Get a glimpse of the highlights in this short video:
Watch our #dedoc° symposia

#dedoc° symposium at EASD 2024
Hear from diabetes advocates around the globe about “What we wish you knew — and why”:
Our #dedoc° symposia are part of the official program of diabetes conferences and take place on-site at diabetes conferences across the globe. If you're attending EASD 2024 in person, please join us in Retiro Hall for what will be an unforgettable session!
Our symposia are also streamed LIVE to YouTube, Facebook and dedoc.org — outside of the usual paywall of scientific conferences. This exemption allows us to invite the diabetes online community around the globe to watch and engage in real time.

#dedoc° symposium at ATTD 2024
Hear from diabetes advocates around the globe about “What we wish you knew — and why”:
Our #dedoc° symposia are part of the official program of diabetes conferences and take place on-site at diabetes conferences across the globe. If you're attending ATTD 2024 in person, please join us in Hall F for what will be an unforgettable session!
Our symposia are also streamed LIVE to YouTube, Facebook and dedoc.org — outside of the usual paywall of scientific conferences. This exemption allows us to invite the diabetes online community around the globe to watch and engage in real time.

#dedoc° symposium at ISPAD 2023
Hear from diabetes advocates around the globe about “What we wish you knew — and why”:
Our #dedoc° symposia are part of the official program of diabetes conferences and take place on-site at diabetes conferences across the globe. If you're attending ISPAD 2023 in person, please join us in 'Jurriaanse Zaal' Session Hall 3 for what will be an unforgettable session!
Our symposia are also streamed LIVE to YouTube, Facebook and dedoc.org — outside of the usual paywall of scientific conferences. This exemption allows us to invite the diabetes online community around the globe to watch and engage in real time.

#dedoc° symposium at EASD 2023
Hear from diabetes advocates around the globe about “What we wish you knew — and why”:
Our #dedoc° symposia are part of the official program of diabetes conferences and take place on-site at diabetes conferences across the globe. If you're attending EASD 2023 in person, please join us in Chicago Hall for what will be an unforgettable session!
Our symposia are also streamed LIVE to YouTube, Facebook and dedoc.org — outside of the usual paywall of scientific conferences. This exemption allows us to invite the diabetes online community around the globe to watch and engage in real time.

#dedoc° symposium at ATTD 2023
Hear from diabetes advocates around the globe about “What we wish you knew — and why”:
Chairs: Bastian Hauck + Renza Scibilia
Words of Welcome: Tadej Battellino
Dr. Katarina Braune, Germany: OPEN is closing: Wrapping up 4 years of research on DIYAPS
Minou van Os, The Netherlands: #WeAreNotWaiting: Mission accomplished vs. What’s next?
Dawn Adams, Northern Ireland: DIYAPS: Where citizen science unlocks doors and opens conversations
Hamidah Nabakka, Uganda: Access to diabetes technology in Africa

#dedoc° symposium at ISPAD 2022
Hear from diabetes advocates around the globe about “What we wish you knew — and why”:
Chair: Bastian Hauck, #dedoc° (Germany)
Carine de Beaufort, President of ISPAD: Words of Welcome
Zuzanna Burzyńska, #dedoc° voice (Poland): The power that youth advocates hold
Jazz Sethi, DiaBesties Foundation (India): Insulin alone is not enough: Bridging the gap in Type 1 Diabetes management through Education and Empathy
Tom Robinson, JDRF: T1D Index: Revealing the global scope and impact of type 1 diabetes

#dedoc° symposium at EASD 2022
Hear from diabetes advocates around the globe about “What we wish you knew — and why”: Novel forms of online peer support developed during Covid:
Chairs: Bastian Hauck + Renza Scibilia
Chantal Mathieu, EASD Senior Vice President, Belgium: Words of Welcome
Andrea Limbourg, France: Online peer support and the DOC’s response to COVID
Jeff Hitchcock, USA: How Children with Diabetes coped with, transformed and thrived despite lockdown
Salih Hendricks, South Africa: Reaching out to build a community for diabetic amputees
Tom Dean, UK: Introducing the all-new Twitter #DiabetesChat
Bastian Hauck, Germany: The New Hybrid: #docday° and the #dedoc° voices responding to virtual conferences

#dedoc° symposium at ATTD 2022
Hear from diabetes advocates around the globe about “What we wish you knew — and why”:
Chair: Renza Scibilia, #dedoc° (Australia)
Prof. Tadej Battelino (ATTD Chair): Words of Welcome
Dana Lewis: #WeAreNotWaiting — Evidence and consensus on open source AID
Emma Klatman (Life for a Child): I wish we all knew that access to diabetes care is a human right
Matthew Garza (diaTribe): dStigmatize: Addressing Diabetes Stigma and its Impacts

#dedoc° symposium at ISPAD 2021
Hear from diabetes advocates around the globe about “What we wish you knew — and why”.