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How Diabetes Data and Connected Devices Improve Quality of Life for People with Diabetes

How Diabetes Data and Connected Devices Improve Quality of Life for People with Diabetes
A #dedoc° event sponsored by Lilly
Host: Renza Scibilia, #dedoc° Head of Advocacy
Andrea Limbourg, France: The burden of living with diabetes & tech
Jasmine Schipp, Australia: How diabetes data and connected devices improve QoL for PwD
Amin Zayani, Tunisia/Germany: Diabetes tools that work for me
Corinna Cornejo, USA: Using diabetes data to show what's important —
the T2D perspective
Dana Lewis, USA: How to use your diabetes data when sharing with your HCP / diabetes team
Panel Discussion & Audience Questions
Want to get an impression? Watch the highlight summary here:
Watch the full event here:
You can also find a list of all the individual talks here.