#dedoc° blog

Learn about what really matters to people living with diabetes around the world.

The #dedoc° blog features articles and opinion pieces written by our international network of diabetes advocates: the #dedoc° voices. From scientific conferences to the latest diabetes research and technology, from challenges faced by those living with diabetes to global disparities in healthcare — our #dedoc° voices cover it all.

Diabetes advocates wishing to contribute to the #dedoc° blog are welcome to submit a guest post using the link below. Don’t hesitate to get in touch — we love to hear from you, and so do thousands of others!

All opinions are those of the authors.

Contact: blog@dedoc.org

The next step in patient involvement in diabetes conferences
Emma Doble Emma Doble

The next step in patient involvement in diabetes conferences

“Including people with lived experience in diabetes conferences is no longer just a ‘nice to have’,” writes patient advocate and #dedoc° voice Emma Doble.

But what is the Patients Included charter? How can a conference become ‘Patients Included’? And why is the inclusion of people with lived experience so important?

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